Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Toddler Tuesday...more like Tantrum Tuesday!

Thus far, we've had a difficult week! Taylor stayed up late for a couple of night's over the weekend and missed a nap or two which always makes the days a little more complicated! Today, she complained of her tooth hurting. I was scared at first that she may have a cavity, but I actually think she's getting a new molar in. Poor thing...she's been crying about it all day. I scheduled her for an appointment at the dentist in the morning. This will be her first cleaning, so I hope it goes ok.

Ella will be going in for her 2 month check-up tomorrow afternoon and will get a few shots. Between the teeth cleaning for Tay & Ella getting shots...we could use some extra prayer for tomorrow! I can't wait to find out how much Ella has grown. It's amazing how fast she's growing. We got a note that she needed to have her newborn screen done...again! So, they'll draw blood for that, too. After the results from the hospital came back abnormal for CF, I'm praying this will come back just fine. Ella smiles quite often now & we just love it. She's all gums!

I'm so pleased with how well Tay is doing in Sunday school. I bought her some shiny white shoes for church and she wears them all the time. They have a tiny bit of a square heel and she likes the way they click on the floor and says "Look mom, I'm a LADY!" She's so funny. The Sunday school teachers tell me how sweet she is which just makes me beam. They wear her slap out though! She comes home and goes straight to bed and sleeps for hours without even eating lunch first!

Tay had her first haircut today! I'll post pictures when I get them developed. She did very well and sat really still! The girl cut off about an inch and it's really going to help to make it look thicker and emphasize her cute curls in the back!

This morning I took the girls to the library for a Pokey Little Puppy special storytime. The librarians made puppy headbands for the kids to wear and read 3 or 4 books about puppies. They showed a carton about the Pokey Little Puppy and then the guest of honor arrived. Tay was pretty uninterested until the dressed up "puppy" walked in and the she was excited! She got her picture made with him and was pretty upset when he "had to go home"! They gave us puppy coloring sheets and cookies and juice.

Friday we're having an Easter egg hunt with our playgroup. She had such a good time hunting for eggs last year. I'm bringing rice krispy treats made with pink marshmallows and will use Easter cookie cutters to cut them out in shapes. I'll be sure to take plenty of pictures! Leesburg is having an Easter egg hunt Saturday afternoon, so we'll probably go to that one, too.

Alright, Ella should be waking soon for a bottle so I better be getting it ready. When she wakes up, she's ready to eat NOW! :)